Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Any comments, queries, requests are always welcome via e mail to wfdutraditions@yahoo.com  or USPS to WFDU/Bill Hahn PO Box 147 Orangeburg NY  10962

As mentioned on the air today there was a particular piece that better judgement persuaded me not to play on the air--BUT---you can see it if you stay on this website and click on the red lettering about the "main page" on the right side.   Better Judgement is my  law firm---and, as David Buskin has told me,  we have outgrown better judgement.   In any case it is funny and has equal opportunity skewering of all (many) ethnicities and faiths---what else would you expect from those lads.

Our time together (as Carol Burnett might have said) today was truly filled with much new material ---BUT---we never do want to not hear some of, what has become traditional on Traditions---and, of course, the features.

Check the archives at http://www.wfdu.fm/ for the next 2 weeks if you want to hear any of this again---or use it as evidence in any future litigation.

Some faces to put with today's voices-----And some descriptive comments below for some songs that might be of interest---playlists cannot really communicate things if you have not heard them or the commentary.

Yes---it is an older performance by Peggy Seeger---BUT--like wine if you heard the new recording on today's program---I say no more---

    ALBUM   /  LABEL

Molasses Creek           Mississippi Sawyer
                 An Island Out of Time                Ind                     http://www.molassescreek.com/
    (About Ocracoke Island---the island out of time---go visit---just great)
Jenai Huff                         On A Dublin Street
                      Transitions                            Ind                       http://www.jenaihuffmusic.com/

Emily Pinkerton                Polo Margariteno
                         Ends of the Earth                                        http://www.emilypinkerton.com/

Donna Adler                   Visions of Pontito
                    Stories To Keep                                 Ind           http://www.donnaadler.com/

Allan Sherman         Shake Hands With Your Uncle Max
                        My Son The Folksinger                        WB
(Are we all not Irish on the day of dear old St. Patrick---ver vaist)
Danny Quinn                 The Homes of Donegal
                     Vacant Chair                                                        http://www.dannyquin.com/

Danny Quinn          Parting Glass
                 Vacant Chair                                                           http://www.dannyquinn.com/

Si Kahn         Ireland of My Dreams
                      Courage              Strictly Country Records     http://www.sikahn.com/

Modern Man                       Hotline
               The Wide Album          Inverted Turtle Records  http://www.modernman3.com/
(Brilliant---in lieu of what you will find on the blog---that was not played today)
Christopher Brown                Keep That Casket Closed
                      Characterist                                           Ind

Peggy Seeger         The Personals
                   Live                                                  Appleseed -   http://www.appleseedrec.com/

Peggy Seeger                         Loving Hannah
                   Live                                                   Appleseed

Grant Peeples             Down Here In The County
                 Okra and Ecclisiastes                   Gatorbone Records

The Steel Wheels                 Nola's First Dance
                 Lay Down Lay Low                                             http://www.thesteelwheels.com/

Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer       Cross of Jesus
                    Little Blue Egg                      Red House             http://www.redhouserecords/

Bob Gibson              Sing For The Song
           The Living Legend Years                                    http://bobgibsonlegacy.com/ 

Eva Cassidy                   Danny Boy
                         Imagine                                Blix Street

Tom Intondi                   The Flower Lady
                 Live                                  City Dancer Records

Eva Cassidy                       Tennessee Waltz
                          Imagine                      Blix Street

Red Molly           Fever
                 Light In The Sky                                                http://www.redmolly.com/

Red Molly              Long Gone Lonesome Blues
                 Never Been To Vegas                                            http://www.redmolly.com/

Buskin & Battaeu         Heart Of the Audience
               Nouveau Retro                                                 http://www.buskinandbatteau.com/

The McGarrigles                   Gentle Annie
          The McGarrigle Hour                    Hannibal Records

The McGarrigles                  Portr En Arriere
           The McGarrigle Hour                  Hannibal Records

Honor Finnegan       Wonderful World
         The Tiny Life                                                          http://www.honoefinnegan.com/

The Atomic Duo                  New New Deal
                   Broadsides                            Ind                      www.theatomicduo.com

I See Hawks In LA          Bohemian Highway
                 New Kind of Lonely                                               http://www.iseehawks.com/
(Do you not, sometimes, wonder why performers pick the names they do?)
Tom Paxton                     Out On The Ocean
               Comedians & Angels                    Appleseed            http://www.tompaxton.com/

Joyce Woodson          Davey Get Your Banjo
                   If I Hadn't Seen the West                  Ind            http://www.joycewoodson.com/

Carol Ponder           I'll Be Seeing You
               Going Across The Mountain                   Ind                http://www.carolponder.com/

Red Foley                 Sugarfoot Rag
                             78 Single                                 Decca

Scott Joplin           The Entertainer
                           The Enertainer                         Biograph

Johnny Cash           Orange Blossom Special
                              45 Single                                Columbia

Kitty Wells              Gathering Flowers For The Master's Bouquet
                            Dust On The Bible            King
(If you are a regular listener to WFDU you know that this is in memory of PAUL BAIN--His favorite Country Star)
Tom Paxton               Jennifer & Kate
                Comedians & Angels              Appleseed                   http://www.tompaxton.com/

The Atomic Duo                          Scott Joplin's New Rag
                       Broadsides                             Ind                     http://www.theatomicduo.com/
Peggy Seeger                      My Mother Is Younger Than Me
                 Live                    Appleseed                          http://www.peggyseeger.com/

Peggy Seeger           Everything Changes
                 Live                     Appleseed                        http://www.peggyseeger.com/
(Some wonderful 'life' lessons and comments from Ms Seeger--this is meaningful music)
Kate Campbell                 Bus 109 
             Visons of Plenty              Large River                http://www.katecampbell.com/
(With the hate and bigotry that still exists this piece is a wonderful telling of what people of ideals can accomplish---true tale about Kate)
Peggy Seeger                  I Been A Bad Bad Girl
                     Live                        Appleseed                       http://www.peggyseeger.com/



blogtomic said...

Thanks for the spins!

Mark R
Atomic Duo

blogtomic said...

Thanks for the spins!

Mark R
Atomic Duo